Açu Port begins new driller-mooring business - Porto do Açu


Açu Port begins new driller-mooring business

Equipment should remain at the port for 90 days for mooring and maintenance

Açu Port received today the semi-submersible oil-drilling rig for deep waters ODN Tay IV, owned by Odebrecht Óleo e Gás (OOG). This is the first driller to moor at the enterprise and represents the start of a new business.

The driller will be moored at Prumo’s quayside on Terminal 2 (T2), going through routine maintenance and support services.

The terminal, with up to 14.5 meters in depth, is capable of receiving drillers without the need to remove thrusters, enabling safe, efficient and economic mooring.

“Açu Port keeps reaffirming itself as a competitive infrastructure and logistics solution for the entire Oil & Gas chain — especially in E&P,” said Prumo CEO Eduardo Parente.
ODN Tay IV has a Dynamic Positioning system, being able to operate in waters of up to 2,400 meters in depth. The driller was supporting Petrobras’s exploratory campaign in the Marlim Leste field, located in the Campos Basin.

About Açu Port
Prumo Logística develops and operates Açu Port. The company offers infrastructure solutions for the Oil & Gas industry, in addition to space for installation of units of maritime and industrial companies at Açu Port. EIG Global Energy Partners have been Prumo’s controlling shareholders since 2013.

Located in São João da Barra (Rio de Janeiro State), Açu Port started operations in 2014, and striving for excellence in safety, serves companies that are leaders in their industries. Açu Port has an area of 90 km², divided into two terminals: Terminal 1 (T1 – offshore terminal) and Terminal 2 (T2 – onshore terminal).

T1 is dedicated to iron ore and crude oil, with berths built along 3 km of quayside and up to 25 meters in depth, being able to receive Suezmax ships and VLCCs. In operation since October 2014, the terminal has already received more than 50 iron-ore carriers for Anglo American. The companies own 50% each of a joint venture named Ferroport.

T2 sits around a navigation channel with 6.5 km in length, 300 meters in width and up to 14.5 meters in depth. Technip, NOV, InterMoor and Wartsila are already operating units at T2. The Multicargo Terminal (T-MULT) began operations in July by handling bauxite for Votorantim, and the first ship left the terminal on September 22. Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO), which is building at Açu Port the world’s largest offshore support base, has signed a contract with Petrobras to operate six berths on its terminal. Furthermore, BP and Prumo own 50% each of a joint venture for selling and filling up vessels with marine fuel.

Açu Port currently employs about 10 thousand people, with 3.5 thousand already operating the units. When fully operational, Açu Port is expected to create approximately 40 thousand jobs. ​