Açu Port offers lectures about forest fire prevention in São João da Barra schools - Porto do Açu


Açu Port offers lectures about forest fire prevention in São João da Barra schools

Environmental education action will reach about 300 public school students

Açu Port will offer this week a series of lectures in public schools around São João da Barra, as part of the Forest Fire Prevention Campaign, promoted by the enterprise’s Sustainability area. By next Friday, approximately 300 students from five schools in the region will receive information on the subject to help increase awareness in the community.

The campaign includes educational stops on the roads that lead to the Port, information aired on local radio stations, distribution of fliers, signs and billboards in strategic locations. Daniel Nascimento, Environment Analyst at Açu Port, believes that the part of the project focused on students is vital because they spread prevention efforts.

“It is very important to share with children and youngsters our worries about the forest fires that have been happening in the region and, particularly, preventive measures, which each one of us can take. Students can be big multipliers of the subject. By talking to them, we are reaching a much larger audience,” Nascimento explained.

The first unit to welcome the Port’s team was Chrisanto Henrique de Souza Municipal School, in Açu. About 70 students attended the lecture. They were informed about types of fires, their main causes and consequences and, particularly, measures to minimize their grave environmental impact. They also learned that forest fires happen more often between August and October, due to high temperatures, low rainfall levels and strong winds, which help to spread out the blaze.

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“Practice outside classrooms works very well because it gets students’ attention. There is no doubt that learning about a subject already discussed during classes from people who have knowledge of the matter is also a curious experience for students. I am sure that they left the lecture being aware of the importance of prevention work when it comes to forest fires,” School Principal Alcy Gomes Barreto Viana said.

The campaign will continue until the end of September to alert the people of Campos and São João da Barra to the problem of forest fires. If you spot a fire, please call Fire Fighters (193) or, if you are near Açu Port, call the Port’s Fire Brigade at (22) 98123-5555.​