Açu Port participates in discussion of the gas sector - Porto do Açu


Açu Port participates in discussion of the gas sector

Event promoted by the IBP was attended by industry leaders

Décio Oddone, Director of Oil & Gas Projects of Açu Port, was one of the speakers of the 17th Natural Gas Seminar organized by the Brazilian Institute of Oil, Gas and Biofuels (IBP) today in Rio de Janeiro. About 200 people listened to his presentation, which was part of a panel titled “Re-thinking the industry in a new scenario”.

Oddone spoke about positive expectations for the sector in the next years, emphasizing this moment of great transformation of the gas industry in Brazil. One of the challenges of the industry is the creation of mechanisms to use the gas generated in the pre-salt fields. “In this new scenario, we should create infrastructure and regulations that allow the substitution of imported natural gas for domestic gas to be produced offshore in Brazil. I cannot think of a better place than Açu Port for the installation of a LNG terminal and for the arrival of offshore gas. We have the best conditions to be a gas hub,” said Oddone.

Along with Oddone, Patricia Brunet, Prumo’s Commercial Manager for the Gas Industry, also opened the event and was one of its coordinators. Açu Port was one of the sponsors of the main event for the oil & gas industry in Brazil.

Açu Port
Located in São João da Barra (Rio de Janeiro State), Açu Port has an area of 90 km², divided into Terminal 1 (T1 – offshore) and Terminal 2 (T2 – onshore), in addition to an area available for the installation of facilities by maritime and industrial companies.

T1 handles iron ore and crude oil, with berths built along 3 km of quayside. Operating since October 2014, the terminal welcomed more than 100 iron-ore ships for Anglo American (which operates in Conceição do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais State) and handled more than 13 million tons. Prumo and Anglo American each own 50% stakes in a joint venture named Ferroport. T1 encompasses the Oil Terminal (T-OIL), with capacity to handle 1.2 mbpd, which starts cargo commissioning this month.

T2 is composed of the surrounding area of the canal for navigation, with 6.5 km in length, 300 meters in width and up to 14.5 meters in depth. Technip, NOV, InterMoor, Wartsila, Edison Chouest and BP-Prumo already operate their own facilities at the terminal.
Including all investment since 2007, 13 billion reais have already been deployed on the enterprise, with 6.4 billion reais coming from Porto do Açu Operações (Prumo Logística subsidiary) and 3.7 billion reais from Ferroport and Anglo American. The remaining amount was invested on terminals by clients.