“Eduardo Parente joining the company sees it enter a new phase, with a greater focus on discipline, planning and pragmatism, and also sees the transfer of share control to EIG Group being completed. His experience in management and logistics will help Prumo become a leader in Brazil’s logistics sector following the operational start-up of Açu Port”, said Figueiredo.
Before joining Prumo, Eduardo Parente was the CEO of MRS for more than 4 years, and was also Chairman of the Board of Directors of ANTF (National Association of Railway Carriers) from 2011 to 2013. He was previously a partner of McKinsey & Company for 9 years, where he worked in several countries, primarily in the mining, durable goods and transportation sectors. He also worked at the marketing department of the company Navegação Aliança S/A.
Eduardo Parente is a production engineer who graduated at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and has an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University.
Share Control
Prumo is controlled by EIG Group, which took control of the company by participating in a private capital increase of R$ 1.3 billion. EIG Group currently has a 53% interest in the company. Eike Batista remains as a material shareholder with an interest of around 21%.
EIG Group is an infrastructure fund, which has invested around USD 15 billion in this sector during its 31 years of history, through more than 280 ventures or projects in over 33 countries in 6 continents.
Porto do Açu
With 17 km of piers which can moor up to 47 vessels, Açu Port is being constructed in São João da Barra, in northern Rio de Janeiro. Occupying 90 km² the venture is comprised of Terminal 1 (T1 – offshore) and Terminal 2 (T2 – onshore), which has received investment of R$ 4.7 billion.
T1 will consist of a 3-km access bridge, a tugboat pier, 9 oil and iron-ore piers, approach channel and turning basin. Of these, 2 iron ore piers, the tugboat pier, approach channel and turning basin are now ready. The 1st shipment of iron ore at Açu Port is scheduled for the second half of this year.
T2 is being built around a 6.5 km long, 300 meter wide approach channel. Works are taking place on the site for the construction of the approach channel, turning basin, construction of the concrete blocks to be used in the breakwater and implementation of the transmission line. With a wharf line of over 13 km, T2 will handle pig iron, coal, vehicles, liquid and solid bulk, general cargo and oil.
With unique features, such as great depth, a strategic location and efficient infrastructure, Açu Port is the main solution for oil and gas companies to locate. Facilities can be installed at the Port to handle and treat oil, provide support to offshore E&P operations and to house a metalworking cluster dedicated to the oil and gas industry.
Açu Port is forecast to come into operation in the first half of 2014, when the operations of our clients who have already set up in the T2 channel (Offshore Terminal) will commence.