The cookie baking course for São João da Barra residents who already work in the field, or intend to, starts today. Training is an initiative by Ferroport (the Anglo American-Prumo Logística joint venture in charge of the Port of Açu’s Iron Ore Terminal), in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of São João da Barra, through the Work and Income Superintendence. The goal is to boost income in households that manufacture cookies, improving product quality and sales efforts.
Márcio Redivo, Sustainability manager at Ferroport, believes that qualification of local workers is key to the development of the city. “We made the commitment of investing in the existing potential of São João da Barra. Hence, people who already make a living with cookies had priority in the selection process for the course. They will become better prepared after this week of learning and shared experiences,” Redivo explained.
Classes will be held until November 27 and taught by the Rio de Janeiro branch of the National Industrial Education Service (Senai/RJ), at municipal child care center Floriano de Azevedo Siqueira, in Mato Escuro neighborhood, in the city’s Fifth District.
Work and Income Superintendent Marcelino Souza stated that the partnership with Ferroport has been evolving very well. “We are certain that we are adding value for local residents, preparing them to create work and income. We thank Ferroport for their trust in us, sure that we will serve all segments of our community throughout 2018, as we are doing today with the baking course,” he added.