In the Campo Limpo National Day, Açu Port awards public school students - Porto do Açu


In the Campo Limpo National Day, Açu Port awards public school students

Youths competed with drawings and written composition on the subject of solid residue

This Thursday, Açu Port, in partnership with the National Institute for Processing Empty Containers (INPEV), awarded six of out 600 students from public schools in São João da Barra, Campos and São José de Ubá who joined the Campo Limpo Environmental Education Program (PEA). The project developed by INPEV in partnership with Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) seeks to contribute to establish awareness among students of environmental rights and obligations. In order to encourage them to think about the subject, the project launched a competition of drawings and compositions which, this year, were inspired by the theme “Solid residues: shared responsibility”. About 65 students had their work chosen for the final stage of the competition, to be held during the celebration of Campo Limpo National Day. Three drawings and three compositions were selected. All participants got a set of pencil cases supplied by the port. Those selected in the competition received backpacks and first-place winners were given tablet computers.

“It is such a pleasure to see these children so excited with the competition, which had a fully educational nature and encouraged healthy disputes. Regardless of who won, we could see in the eyes of each child satisfaction in participating in the project. The best part of our work is noticing that it had an impact. The kids understood that they can make a difference and fulfill their role in managing solid residue,” said Gleide Gomes, Social Responsibility Coordinator of Açu Port.

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In the opening of the awards ceremony, students sang the national anthem and a group of students from José Alves Barreto Municipal School, located in São João da Barra, acted on a play based on recycling. Later on, works chosen by the selection committee were presented. The first place in the writing competition went to Natalli Machado, a fifth-grader at José Alves Barreto. “I did not think I could win. When I heard my name, I was so touched, so happy, and I even got hugs from my friends,” said Natalli.

In addition to Natalli’s writing, a fourth-grader from the same school, Samuel de Carvalho, won first prize with his drawing. The two winning works will participate in the national stage of the competition, which takes place in September in São Paulo. School Principal Cláudia Oliveira said she feels very proud to see these students recognized.

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“I am very happy to see the result of efforts which are not only mine, but by such a good team of teachers at our school. These kids are with us since pre-school and this is proof of our efforts over many years. I am honored that our students were awarded, and I am even prouder to see them noticing that the work that they developed is being recognized. This is priceless,” said Cláudia.

The National Institute for Processing Empty Containers (INPEV) is responsible for reverse logistics of agricultural chemicals in Brazil and is a partner of Prumo Logística, the developer and operator of the port.