Açu Port opened on Tuesday (June 7) three terminals: the Oil Terminal (T-OIL), the Multicargo Terminal (T-MULT) and the Marine Fuel Terminal (TECMA). The spaces were visited by authorities and industry executives during the opening ceremony. The terminals received more than 1.5 billion reais in investments and mark the beginning of new businesses at the port, diversifying services already provided on the enterprise.
“Today we celebrate the Brazil that works. Açu Port worked out because it has solid fundamentals and unique characteristics. Our proximity to the Campos and Santos oil basins gives us a key competitive edge for oil and gas activities. Additionally, partnerships with the federal, state and municipal governments, which see Açu Port as a driver of development in the Northern part of Rio de Janeiro, were and will continue to be key for us to build an enterprise that is already a landmark in the region and in the country,” said José Magela Bernardes, CEO of Prumo Logística, the company that develops and operates Açu Port.
Among the guests were Transportation, Ports and Civil Aviation Minister Maurício Quintella; Rio de Janeiro’s representative in the Lower House Júlio Lopes; Rio de Janeiro’s Economic Development Secretary Marco Capute; São João da Barra Mayor José Amaro Martins de Souza; and Campos Mayor Rosinha Garotinho, who came with government Secretary Anthony Garotinho.
Representatives from Germany’s Oiltanking (which owns 20% of the Oil Terminal and will be its operator) and BP (who owns 50% of Açu’s Marine Fuel Terminal) also attended the event. “We are very proud of the success of this terminal and have a great commitment to Brazil. Açu Port is very important to us,” said Carey Mendes, BP’s Regional Business Leader in Global Oil for the Americas.
Shell President André Araújo said the company – the first client of the Oil Terminal — wants to expand its activities at Açu Port. “The port represents operational ease. We will pursue alternatives here, such as blending and storage,” he added.
During the ceremony, Minister Maurício Quintella spoke about projects to enable inter-ligation of highway and railway infrastructure with the port. One of these is railway EF 118, which will connect Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro states, and EF 354, designed to connect Açu Port and its surrounding area to consumer centers in the Southeast and Center-West.
“This is currently the largest port in Brazil in terms of space. I have no doubt that it will soon be the largest in terms of operations. We are here not only to honor the opening ceremony, but to show that the government is paying full attention to this new moment and to talk with the industry in order to do our part. Having a port alone is not enough. The enterprise needs access, we need to integrate it to regions in the nation that produce and consume. This is why we are here today,” said Minister Quintella.
Júlio Lopes, who represented the Rio de Janeiro Governor in the event, reinforced the magnitude of the enterprise. “The port already employs 6,000 people and will employ many more when operating at full capacity,” he said.
São João da Barra Mayor José Amaro Martins de Souza emphasized job creation. “After these terminals are open, I am sure that we will have more jobs and investment in the city of São João da Barra. At this time of crisis, this is a very happy day for all of us. We see that Açu Port is working at full speed and, thus, bringing great growth to our entire region.”
The Multicargo Terminal (T-MULT) is installed on Açu Port’s Terminal 2 (onshore terminal). A new shipping alternative for the Southeast region of Brazil, T-MULT provides clients installed in its retro-area direct access to a port terminal, developing the port’s industrial complex and allowing the port-industry concept to materialize. With this concept, Açu Port brings to Brazil an integrated solution that seeks to meet all client needs in one space, offering competitiveness, quality and reducing so-called country risk.
Açu’s Marine Fuel Terminal (TECMA) began operations this month by selling bunker under the BP Marine brand. The terminal is a partnership between Prumo and BP and offers fueling services for vessels at Açu Port and clients in the region. This terminal is a landmark for Açu Port and will be regarded as the best fueling alternative in Rio de Janeiro state.
The Oil Terminal (T-OIL) is a partnership between Prumo and Germany’s Oiltanking and is beginning its commissioning activities. With a current depth of 20.5 meters which will be expanded to 25 meters, T-OIL has authorization to handle 1.2 mbpd and is the only private terminal in Brazil for oil transshipment. With three berths alongside 1.4 km of breakwater, the terminal will carry out operations in a sheltered area, enabling safer and quicker procedures, with efficiency and lower costs for clients. The result is increased competitiveness for Brazilian crude. Additionally, Açu Port gathers high-level characteristics that offer quality service for the whole oil & gas industry.