The Port of Açu organized the VI SIPATP, a week of accident prevention efforts among port workers, starting today and ending on October 27. The theme of this year’s edition is “Work safety: knowing is not enough, one must live.”
A group of associates will present parodies of popular songs “Trem bala” and “É preciso saber viver” to open and close the event. The adapted lyrics refer to the importance of prudent and safe behavior in the workplace. Lectures will be offered to workers every day of the SIPATP week. The opening lecture will be offered by entrepreneur Augusto Dutra, who has a post-graduate degree in Strategic Management and Marketing, and will talk about Safety and Motivation. On the following day, Lorenzo Mattedi, an instructor at BRAM Offshore Transportes Marítimos, will speak about Safety in Navigation.
“We hope to learn a lot and exchange knowledge during the week. This is the sixth edition of our SIPATP, which has produced results not only by making associates aware of essential caution procedures in the workplace, but also by integrating our team and different areas,” said Robson Lopes, maintenance manager at the Multicargo Terminal (T-MULT) and head of the Commission for Accident Prevention in Port Work (CPATP).
During the week, associates will also attend lectures on keeping their hands healthy, by Acciona orthopedist Vitor Cortes; traffic safety, by Federal Highway Police inspector Carlos Eduardo Braga; and quality of life by Petrobras consultant and comedian Tonin Ferreira. On the last day, students from IseCensa University will act in a short play about work safety. During the event, port associates will collect food donations to benefit retirement home Retiro São João Batista, in São João da Barra. And extending a tradition, SIPATP will include a foosball tournament and medals for the three front-runners.