Port of Açu Procurement Portal is expected to debut in July - Porto do Açu


Port of Açu Procurement Portal is expected to debut in July

Office supplies will be the object of the first bidding process on the new platform

​Starting in July, companies with facilities in the Port Complex will have a new tool available, the Açu Procurement Portal. The first online bidding process will be dedicated to purchases of offices supplies. For the first time, a single supplier will be selected to supply the demands of the Port of Açu Supply Committee, formed by the companies with facilities on the enterprise. Only suppliers registered in the portal will be eligible to bid.

In order to help local entrepreneurs to register, Port of Açu representatives will attend two events organized by Sebrae/RJ (Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service in Rio de Janeiro). The action is part of the Local Supplier Development Program (PDFL). Meetings will be focused on local entrepreneurs who are interested in providing services in the Açu Industrial Complex. The goal is to prepare local suppliers to use the new platform, which will facilitate access to the port’s demands.

The first meeting will be held on June 21 at the FIRJAN Auditorium, in Campos. The second will be held on June 22 in the São João da Barra Mayor’s Office Auditorium. Places are limited and those who wish to register for the events should phone Sebrae/RJ at 2723-2429.

Data entered by those registered in the Procurement Portal will also be available to other companies with facilities on the enterprise, creating many business opportunities. To register, please visit portodoacu.supplier.ariba.com .