Porto do Açu and Suape envision a strategic partnership - Porto do Açu


Porto do Açu and Suape envision a strategic partnership

The beginning of a strategic partnership between two of the largest port-industry complexes in Brazil

The beginning of a strategic partnership between two of the largest port-industry complexes in Brazil. This is the result of today’s meeting between representatives from the Port of Açu and Port of Suape (in Pernambuco State), which foresees information and experience exchanges between both parts.
“We are very happy to be starting a partnership with the Port of Suape. In addition to making the development of joint commercial initiatives possible, the partnership can contribute to the development of the country since it integrates the two main Brazilian markets: the Southeast and the Northeast,” explains Jose Magela, CEO of Prumo Logistics, the developer and operator of the Port of Açu.

The CEO of the Suape Industrial Port Complex, Marcos Baptista, corroborated the importance of the partnership. “The signing of this memorandum is the first step towards joint studies on the port sector, commercial partnerships and management experience exchange, to name a few of the possibilities, considering that one port is the entrance to the Northeast and the other to the Southeast,” he emphasized.
IMG_8973.JPGAmong the possible predicted synergies from the partnership between the two complexes is the development of the port infrastructure. Beyond just sharing strategic data on cargo movement in the two ports, it will also be possible for the port to be a provider of LNG, via cabotage, for the Pernambuco-based complex.

The Port of Açu
Located in São João da Barra, in Northern Rio de Janeiro State, the Port of Açu has terminals in onshore and offshore areas in addition to an extended area of 90 km² to welcome facilities from diverse industries. In operation since 2014, in the 1st semester of this year, Açu was the 4th ranked private terminal in cargo handling (Antaq figures). The number represents a mark for the enterprise, which, in 2015, ranked 15th.
The offshore area is dedicated to handling iron ore and crude oil. Operating since October 2014, the terminal exports ore for Anglo American and already handled more than 37 million tons. This terminal also houses the Oil Terminal (T-OIL), a partnership with Germany’s Oiltanking, which is already in operation and has the capacity to handle 1.2 mbpd. With its current maritime accesses and berths at a depth of 25 meters, the terminal is capable of receiving capsizes and VLCCs.

The onshore area is installed around a navigation canal which is 6.5 km long, 300 meters wide, and 14.5 meters deep. TechnipFMC, NOV, InterMoor, Wartsila, Edison Chouest, and BP Prumo (a partnership between Prumo and BP, which sells marine fuel) are already operating its units in the terminal. The Multicargo Terminal is also located in this area, with the capacity to handle 4 million tons per year (solid bulk and general cargo). Currently, the terminal already handles bauxite, pet coke, coal, and general cargo.

The Port of Suape
The Suape port-industry complex offers one of the best environments for business in the country and is one of the main state-owned ports in Brazil, being a hub port for the North and Northeast regions. It is located in Ipojuca, Pernambuco State, about 40 km from the capital city of Recife. In its 38 years, Suape was chosen by more than 100 companies that installed or are developing facilities in its 13.500 hectares. These businesses add up to more than R$ 50 billion in private investments, directly employing a total of 18,000 workers.

The Port of Suape is connected to the world’s main berths. In 2016, the port handled 22.74 million tons of cargo, closing out the year with a 15% growth rate compared to 2015 — the fastest pace among the 10 main public ports in Brazil, which raised Suape to the 5th position in the national cargo handling ranking.

Over the years, the Port of Suape has established a firm foothold in liquid bulk (diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, crude oil, etc.) and maintained national leadership in handling this type of cargo in 2016. The volume of liquid bulk handled increased 21.8% vs. 2015 to 17.28 million tons. This type of cargo is responsible for 76% of all cargo handled at the Port of Suape.
A leader in container handling and transportation in the Northeast, Suape registered a 21.9% cumulative increase in TEU’s from January to September, compared one year earlier. Import operations at the Suape Container Terminal (Tecon Suape), operated by ICTSI, have grown, as have ship offerings and diversification of cargo storage.