Prumo announces appointment of Operations officer - Porto do Açu


Prumo announces appointment of Operations officer

​In the year in which Açu Port comes into operation, Prumo has bolstered its team by hiring Cristiane Marsillac, who has today (10) been appointed the company's operations officer.

With extensive experience in offshore support and navigation, the executive faces the challenge of spearheading the operation of Açu Port, one of the main port ventures in Brazil. Cristiane is the first person to hold this position, which has been created to support the Port’s operational start-up, forecast to take place by June this year.

Cristiane has a graduate degree in Naval Engineering from the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ), and has a Master’s degree in Maritime Shipment from COPPE and postgraduate course in economic engineering and industrial business management, also boasting management courses from MIT/Massachusetts and IMD/Lausanne.

Prior to joining Prumo, Cristiane served as an officer at Bravante and Docenave. She has also worked at Vale and Aliança Navegação e Logística, and was one of the entrepreneurial partners of the company Dock Brasil Engenharia​.