Prumo participates in 2014 Benchmarking Award - Porto do Açu


Prumo participates in 2014 Benchmarking Award

Prumo yesterday participated in the Benchmarking Brazil awards, one of the most prestigious sustainability seals that acknowledges the best social and environmental management practices in Brazil.

The company was ranked 11th for its presentation of the Vila da Terra rural resettlement program at the Fazenda Palacete ranch, in São João da Barra, where Prumo is building Açu Port.

Vila da Terra is for eligible families who have been expropriated by the Rio de Janeiro State government to create the Industrial District of São João da Barra, being implemented by CODIN (Companhia de Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro).

Delivered in São Paulo, the award recognizes environmental initiatives conducted by companies from several segments in Brazil. At this year’s edition Prumo was competing against 31 other companies, including Ambev, Braskem and Gerdau.

Consisting of 15 specialists from six different countries, the technical committee evaluates projects in terms of quality and benefits of the natural and social environment. In last year’s edition Prumo disputed the award with two cases: the Social Investment Plan for Family Farming, which came 3rd, and Creation and Management of the Caruara Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), which came 9th. Both the initiatives are conducted in São João da Barra and promote the sustainable use of natural resources, improve the living standards of rural communities and enable farmers to increase their output.

About Vila da Terra

38 families are currently living in Vila da Terra, located at the Fazenda Palacete ranch, in São João da Barra. With a minimum area of 2 hectares, each property will have a house occupying between up to 109 m², with two, three or four rooms. Producers eligible for resettlement will see the size of their land double on average. All houses are equipped with washing machines, televisions, refrigerators, phones, computers in addition to furniture in the living rooms, bedrooms and kitchen cupboards.

All properties will be delivered for cultivation, with the soil treated and fertilized. In partnership with UFRRJ, Prumo has donated around 130 thousand saplings of 16 different species, including native trees and fruit trees. The initiative is providing another source of income for residents of Vila da Terra, as they are
able to sell the produce of the fruit trees.​