Ethics & Integrity - Port of Açu

Ethics & Integrity

Our commitment

The importance of having a culture with very strong Ethics and Compliance components brings huge benefits to all of us, to our daily routine, to our company and to our stakeholders – customers, suppliers, society, public authorities, private entities, among others. This culture provides us to perform our work with more empowerment, as our Ethics and Compliance rules protect us when compliant seriously, enabling the development of solid and sustainable businesses.

Therefore, acting in compliance with these rules allows us to have more clarification about what we can do and what we can expect from everyone who interacts with us, giving more reliance and safety to our daily routine.

Since the purpose in our work is something that engages and inspires us, guaranteeing the fulfillment of our Ethics and Integrity culture is a goal to all of us without exception – after all, we are proud to dedicate a significant part of our days to a safe and respectful environment, where we are excellent citizens and make a positive contribution to society.

Rogério Zampronha

CEO at Prumo

Integrity program structure

Our Compliance Program is based on four pillars: prevention, identification, response, and enhancement. Learn below about each pillar and the actions that have been or are being implemented:

Code of conduct and Policies

Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption

Shows our commitment to ethics and integrity and lists the main guidelines that must be observed when doing business.

Sponsorship Policy

Establishes rules for assessment, selection and approval of sponsorship projects that value relevant initiatives that are relevant to society.

Reporting channel

An exclusive channel for safe and, if desired, anonymous report of behavior that violates our Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption and our good practices, as well as any aspects involving corruption and other irregularities defined by Law 12846/13 and other current legislation.

Internal audit

Internal Audit plays a relevant role in business and stands for good governance. Using an approach that is systematic, independent, and impartial, we foster continuous improvement of the Group’s internal control system, risk management process and corporate governance, providing regular reports to committees associated with the Board of Directors.

To promote ethics and integrity values within the Group, in 2020 we participated for the first time in an annual campaign launched by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), which included several actions to raise awareness about Internal Audit. The institute selects and rewards companies that stand out when it comes to promoting the audit’s importance for the business. Since 2020 our efforts ensured recognition awards by the IIA!

Compliance Program Certifications

Prumo’s Compliance Program was recognized by Controladoria Geral da União (Federal Comptroller General, CGU) and obtained the Selo Empresa Pró-Ética (Pro-Ethics Company Seal Stamp) 2020-2021 and 2022-2023, granted to private companies committed to implementing voluntary measures aimed at preventing to prevent acts of corruption, which highlights the emphasizes our non-negotiable and daily commitment to ethics and integrity.

Another achievement of Prumo’s Compliance Program in 2021 and 2022 was obtaining the ABNT NBR ISO 37001:2017 Certification, an international recognition received after an extensive audit to assess the compliance and suitability of the Anti-Bribery Management System according to the established requirements established therein.

The certifications demonstrate that the good practices adopted by Prumo are in line with the main existing compliance guidelines and reinforce the Company’s culture.


Company's Financial Statements

Report on Actions Against the Pandemic



Prumo understands that organizations play a key role in the fight against corruption and bribery and seeks to encourage practices that strengthen a culture of integrity and transparency. We are committed to acting within the highest standards of conduct, with Ethics and Integrity in everything we do and always respecting all laws and regulations applicable to the Company. We believe that this attitude contributes to build fair and sustainable businesses, as well as efficient and honest markets.

Prumo and its subsidiaries never charge any fees for participation in their procurement processes and do not accept such practice from their suppliers. If there is such a request, we recommend that no payment be made because this is not a legitimate situation or a situation that is backed by Prumo or any of its subsidiaries.

Situations in which the personal interests of an employee conflict with the interests of the Company, compromising the person’s professional duties and possibly causing harm to the Company. Employees are prohibited from having direct or indirect participation in activities that are defined as in conflict with the interests of the Company. A conflict of interest exists even if it does not result in any unethical or improper act.

Any attitudes that violate the Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption or current legislation may be reported 24/7 to Prumo’s Reporting Channel in a confidential and safe manner. The Reporting Channel is also available to the public and guarantees the anonymity of the whistleblower, if the person so desires.