Safety and innovation in the best shipping practices
Safety integrates the values of Porto do Açu Operações and is a pillar of our Sustainability Strategy. Our structures and processes aim at the maintenance and continuity of operations with a focus on safety, protecting life, and ensuring the integrity of our assets.
This is why we manage the vessel traffic at Porto of Açu through the VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) Center, with real-time monitoring integrated with other port information systems, such as the Port Management Information System (PMIS), which is currently part of our Operations and Emergency Response Center (CORE).

The management of vessel traffic at the complex is duly certified by the Brazilian Maritime Authority and was the 1st implemented in the country, with the objective of observing and informing, in real time, the position of vessels within the port’s area of influence. The system contributes to the increase of navigational safety and water pollution prevention, in addition to positively impacting the efficiency of the port entrance and exit maneuvers and the preservation of the environment.
The VTS Center and the nautical infrastructure of Port of Açu are ISO 9001 certified, since 2020 – Quality Management System.
PMIS Contacts
For questions, suggestions or technical support, please contact us through the channels:
- (22) 99217 1011
- (22) 99780-6816
VTS Traffic Report Contacts
- +55 22 2133 1100 R:1223
- +55 22 98119 3700
- Fazenda Saco Dantas, S/Nº – Porto do Açu – São João da Barra/RJ – Brasil – CEP 28200-000